The importance of rig and cargo security is second only to the safety of your drivers. These are vital considerations for any freight company. But as the rate and sophistication of cargo theft crime increases drivers are becoming more and more at risk… especially when transporting high value loads like pharmaceuticals, techtronics, and currency.
Most drivers are alone on the road. That’s why we’re proud to see that during the last two years of growth at Citadel, over 20 National Transportation Companies & Drivers are now protected with the Citadel Escort Driver Emergency Response System as Cargo Crimes Increase.
A recent article in OverDrive reports that, “Cargo theft volume and average values increased year-over-year in the second quarter of 2018, according to a report released this week by cargo theft recording firm SensiGuard. The firm recorded 144 cargo theft incidents during the quarter with an average loss value of $178,273 – an 8 percent increase in volume and 28 percent increase in value when compared to the second quarter of 2017.”
Now drivers have a life line in a medical emergency, accident, or threatening situation. There is just not time to use a cell phone in many such emergencies, nor can a cell phone be used from a hidden location like your pocket. You can also wear it on your wrist as shown in the photo.
Industries we support are food service delivery (in cities), pharmaceuticals and owner operators. Drivers have reported how they like it that The Escort Mobile Emergency FOB fits on your driver’s belt clip or on a lanyard around the neck. This makes it easy and convenient to get assistance when needed. Nationwide, after pressing the button, one of our highly skilled U.S. based professional dispatchers will answer the call for help quickly assessing the situation and contacting the appropriate people or authorities.
We wondered why relatively lower value food loads were the target of truck jackers. A recent report at Trucks.com explains that “a single truckload of food or drinks may not have the dollar value of a load of smartphones or medicine, but it is still a favorite target because it’s easy to sell and much harder to trace. There are usually no serial numbers on food, cargo-theft prevention experts told Trucks.com.”
Our system includes real time GPS tracking. Emergency services are dispatched within one minute. There is also an optional two way voice feature so drivers may talk direct with emergency service operators. This is why the system is so effective in helping a driver combat cargo crimes and quickly call for help in a medical emergency.
The driver is never out of range to use the mobile Citadel Fleet Safety system. No extra installation or vehicle installation is required — simply take it out of its box and the driver is ready to use it. We’re pleased to be serving the industry with this affordable and effective safety system for companies like Knight Transportation, and LandStar, and organizations like Women in Trucking, OOIDA, and TMSA.